
pyglons 0.3 on its way

I just commited the new templating code for pyglons based on what pylons is now doing using the latest PasteScript and tempita modules. This adds the possibility to pass options on the command line when creating your project to better describe what you do and dont want.

For example its now possible to do:

$ paster create -t pyglons my_project_name configobj=true

This will create a new project with the required code to load your config via ConfigObj. Disabling this means your project will use nothing but a simple dictionary for its initial config.

Actually you could always set options on the command line but only now do they include/exclude code from the pyglons templates. If you dont specify the option on the command line you will still get prompted for it ( unless your using --no-interactive ).

There will be more options in the future for adding code for pymunk, windoh etc in future versions of pyglons but this is essentially it for the 0.3 version I think. Ill post new downloads later today.

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