
Good news everyone...

(Because I know fred will never blog about it... ;)) samurai-x is now using a new DBus module called yaydbus. Why? Because its written in pure python ( we like that! ) and no more nasty gobject loop, perfect!

Plus I think I know how Im going to write the new statusbar Im working on ( which will use DBus a fair bit ).


(You can find yaydbus in the samurai-x git repo btw)


Interactive sx

Interactivly editing yahiko styles via the sx-web plugin


sx update

Well after the release we had about 6000 visitors to the sx site! woo! Thats about 5500 more than usual! ;) Not got much more to say about the release except that Iv now fixed the download problem with ooxcb.

What we've done since? Fred has re-arranged ooxcb quite a bit and started wrapping some more extensions *whisper* composite *whisper*. Ive been trying to get bbpager ( and hopefully other pagers ) to work and have been looking at ewmh stuff. Now plugins can tell the app what hints they provide support for.

Cant think of anything else right now...


samurai-x 0.2 is OUT!

firstly: Yay!

The release announcment looked like this ( just in case you missed it ):

We are happy to release version 0.2 of samurai-x. samurai-x is a
window manager written in pure python using ctypes, xcb and cairo.

A lot has happened since version 0.1 including:

    * a new plugin system - the core samurai-x is now very small
      with all other functionality added via plugins

    * a new xcb binding - ooxcb - for more information
      see http://docs.samurai-x.org/ooxcb/

    * lots of plugins! we now have plugins for most common
      features found in other window managers

For more information, including installation instructions check
http://samurai-x.org or join us in #samuraix on irc.freenode.net

Big thanks to all have helped out with samurai-x but especially to
Friedrich Weber for writing ooxcb and all the other work on
samurai-x he has done and also to Jochen Maes for hosting the

So whats in store for sx 0.3 and beyond? Hopefully:

  • better config management - we need some schema or something so plugins can validate configs and also show something in --default-config
  • pypy support - hopefully fred is going to make us some nice rpython for ooxcb but also I hope to get sx running on pypy
  • did someone say compositing...?

So stay tuned! Lots of exciting code to come!


Almost like a real window manager...

Almost looking like the real deal now! Plus its got ultra smooth after I made quite a crucial optimization to yahiko ( now it doesnt repaint the window every time its moved! ). sx-moveresize has also been updated to fix a few bugs and add a few options.

Release at the weekend I hope...


Yahiko background images

Yahiko ui now supports using images for backgrounds!


Yet more eye candy

Yahiko decorator module runs properly!


A plugin that has been asked for a few times ( ... ok - once! ) was something to allow putting clients onto specific desktops. What was really needed was just a simple plugin to perform actions on new clients. So now there is sx-autoclient which means you can do things like this in your config:

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def test_rule(screen, client):
    log.info('test rule!')
    client.actor.configure(x=100, y=100)

config = {
    'core.plugins': [


    'autoclient.rules': [test_rule],

...and all your new clients will be moved to 100,100.

Ok its still a bit low level, but once Iv added some simple rule functions for matching window names and classes and some easy actions it will be much better.


More on eyecandy...

Trying to write a new window decorator for samurai-x at the moment. Not an easy task!. Its using my yahiko library which has led me to fix a few bugs. Widget libs are always such a pain in the ass! I see they are discussing one on the pyglet google group at the moment. If only we had a compositing wm we could use their code in an opengl window - zoom zoooom... *evil grin*

Anyway yahiko seems to be working ok with a X window as a child widget...more later


fbpanel and samurai-x

Just some eyecandy...
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Grrrrrr... it just wont work with samurai-x. I can run a service outside of sx and talk to it with a client, but I cant run the service inside sx!. http://samurai-x.org/browser/sx-dbus/sxdbus.py I even created a gobject main loop plugin to run this! more grrrrr's....

Anyway... I went back to a bit of hacking with the sx-web plugin and made it use webob and mako templates. Mixed in with a theme and some js magic from jquery and we've got something that looks rather nice!

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