
conditional paster templates

I found a few things out tonight, the most important of which is the skip_template(condition=True) command that's inserted into paster contexts. This has allowed me to reduce the code in pyglons quite a bit. There is no more "minimal_project" directory, both "pyglons_minimal" and "pyglons" templates are generated from the same "default_template" directory. Also now there is a new "pyglons_game" template which includes a splash screen over the "pyglons" template.

Ive listed the files generated by each template below:







There is also a new option "euclid=<boolean>" which if True includes pyeuclid. At the moment this file is included in the pyglons code but hopefully will be removed to an easy_install dependency when I get the chance to email the owner and get him to change his project page slightly :)

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